Wow, even for an experience as short as this, the message it has makes up for that tenfold. I love the story you've presented, and would honestly love to see more done with this cast of characters in the future!
I also really like how the horror aspect is done here. A lot less "in your face" but instead having a sense of dread and sadness permeating throughout. I have to wonder about what that level 4 was meant to be...
I know talking about the controls is overdone by now, but it still plays very well regardless! With just a little more polish to gameplay, I think it would have bumped up the game-feel enjoyment a couple notches.
Overall, solid game, hope to see more done with this! I've replayed it a couple times, and I'm still not even sure if I've found all the secrets it has yet haha, but I'm definitely excited to see potential future projects!!
Is a fine game but i wish there was a little more in the horror and i don't mean jumpscares but the only fear was the glitching at the start while rest is....very game like the game ment to be corrupted so how about the more you progress the more broke it feels like animations look off, textures not feeling n64 (even unused texture that don't match any of the 5 levels) and more
cant wait for matpat to play it , and tom to scower every inch of the game , deffinitly 10/10 game , love the visual aspect <3 n the characters r verry cute altho bit unseddeling a times :D
( Please note this giant ramble does contain full spoilers for the game )
Absolutely lovely little experience! I really like the locations and I absolutely adore the character design, seriously, amazing job on that part! Not gonna be surprised if I end up making fanart just because of how good they are!!
moving on from that though, I also really enjoy that there is no entity or ghost in the game, instead opting for a honestly way fresher tale of the game decaying on its own due to abandonment and following the npcs and player character as their world slowly falls apart. When I first played I was constantly dreading a cheap jumpscare and I was very pleasantly surprised that there was no such thing, plus I think the shadow ollie scares just being them silently standing in parts of the map, watching from afar and then getting the little error message is a much better way of implementing a more unsettling element to the game.
While the general movement is pretty well done ( I appreciate that the city level takes advantage of Ollie's floatiness for part of the platforming ), as others have said. the camera really could use slight improvement as it's super offputting when first playing, though due to having replayed the game multiple times while looking for secrets I have gotten used to it, but due to the very short length of the game ( 20 minute-ish. even less if you know what you are doing ) getting used to it is not gonna happen easily for most people if they only play the game once or twice. ( also this is totally a me problem and I don't actually think it's an actual issue but the camera only having inverted controls is slightly annoying, even if I understand it's for better giving the feel of a old n64 game )
also I ADORE the detail of the textures ( especially Ollie's ) getting more and more corrupted the further into the game you go, genuinely a really cool detail.
The narrative is also pretty nice and I enjoy the message of cherishing the time you spend with those you love in the face of the end and due to not knowing when that time may come to a close.
I got 2 endings and, while I am pretty sure that the game only has the 2 I got, I am inclined to slightly doubt it due to the game encouraging you to try and find all the secrets after getting the harder of the two endings, which implies that there are more things in the game to find. Alas after around 5 total full game plays I did, I didn't find anything to access a secret third ending.
I did find a weird symbol that strikes me as odd due to being completely different from all the other textures on the ground of the sand area ( seen in pic one ) and a cute bunny looking thing next to it under the water in level 3 ( seen in pic two ).
Tried multiple times to reach it to no avail, so I wonder if it's supposed to be a clue to something or was just added as a little easter egg.
Overall though, a really awesome small experience! Seriously, massive kudos to the dev!!! I really really enjoyed my time with this game! :D
played through this a few times already and still enjoyed your game. would love to see this expanded upon or given better controls (the camera is my mortal enemy in this game).
It's kinda sad that all the devs make retro looking games. But refuse to put in controller suppport. It's beyond stupid. What's even the fucking point.
I genuinely loved this game, it really hits you right in the heart, the assets are all perfect and fit together amazingly, and the music puts you in the right vibe. As for the controls, they are a bit to get used to, but honestly I found myself running around the game easily after a bit, only thing I would say needs improvement for it is to be able to be moved up and down. Overall this game is a masterpiece, and I would genuinely love to see more of these amazing characters in this amazing world.
This is a really cute game. Seeing the character design for the MC in a thumbnail on Youtube, my first thought was that it reminded me of Animal Crossing. Not sure if that was intentional.
You've acknowledged that the camera doesn't exactly work amazingly, so I won't harp on about how utterly miserable it is (read: the italics are just me exaggerating), although I think a lot of the problem with it is that it's directly tied to the character as you control them, so when, say, jumping, attempting to adjust the camera during a jump ends with you veering wildly off course.
Now, my real gripe with the game is that I have zero idea how you're supposed to get to the umbrella star in the third level? I got it twice through really precise jumps from the farthest umbrella to the other one with the gem on it, but it doesn't feel like it's the intended way, since I barely made it and the model was only halfway onto it and I had to jump again to actually get on the platform. So maybe keep in mind signposting for intended paths and whatnot.
Other than that, I adore the digimon-esque design of the character in the city level, and I really like that you're given the option to just... straight up refuse to listen to the cat? The game is so short it would be really hard to flesh them out, but I feel like you could have done more with the flower at least. The snowman not talking is cute, though, so I can't really fault you on that one haha.
Sorry that this is long, but I like to ramble and maybe offer advice where I can in cases like this.
man, the game is really good you could likely expand upon the game and make a full release if you really wanted too also quick question do you have like a social media account I really want to look into your art because it is so good!
Holy heck, this hit right in the feels for me. My only issues are the camera and if there was more secrets. I found a secret in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th levels and the ending implied there was more secrets to be found.
i would absolutely love to finish this game but the camera controls being inverted along with it seemingly having a mind of its own really gave me some bad motion sickness ^^;
Hey! No real feedback but I saw your game on Youtube and absolutly adore your designs ♡ I just dunno where to send it, so I'll drop this here . Hope you like it ^^
An adorable game that hits right in the feels, with just the right pacing. I played through it twice and enjoyed it the whole time. I love the character designs! The controls felt awkward at first, but after playing a bit i realized they were way more responsive than i thought they would be. Definitly gonna have to play any other games you've made.
A lovely little game! I enjoyed it thoroughly, though not without minor qualms.
Mainly, my issues lie within the cameras awkward controlling, and the lack of controller support. Do I care enough about those to make me think less of the game? not even remotely.
Over all, this game is a lovely experience, and I would love to see the ideas that it brings to the table expanded upon.
Nice game, a particular story that doesn't involve ghosts or demons, but simply the game's AI, where the NPCs are aware of what is happening. I would see it as perfect as a more complete game with a much deeper plot like Shipwrecked 64
Lovely experience with a lot of charm and heart put into it! Shame it was so short, but I enjoyed my time with the story. Definitely deserves more recognition.
After playing through this game and getting both endings I gotta say this is fantastic the controls feel smooth camera is a little weird but I got used to it story is great and the creepy atmosphere was done really well not sure if there's a 3rd ending or not nor if I'm missing any secrets but either way I had a fun time with the game. Glad I was told about it! also in level 3 there's some sort of collectable in the water not sure if I'm just dumb but I cant seem to find a way to get to it if anyone knows what I'm talkin about and has tips that would be great. hope you end up doin more with this!
i liked it! it was fun. I guess my biggest criticism is the camera. An option to un invert the camera would be nice! The story was nice and if you decide to eventually continue this then ill be happy to play as this owl again :D. I loved how the pause menu also got corrupted, its a neat lil touch
Thank you! I apologise for the camera, I'm not the best programmer, so I was limited with what I could do with it. I would like to fix this if I work back into it, and I will take your feedback into account.
I'm glad you liked my game - I'm mostly an artist, so I'm happy that the more visual aspects stood out best!
I looked at both N64 and PS1 games for inspiration, so there's probably a mixture of both aspects in there. It's not really any console in particular, but since it uses a pixelated shader, you could say it most resembles the PS1.
very well made! the main criticisms I have are how floaty the controls are, and how finnicky the camera is. the house in the ice level in particular was a pain to get up cause you have to get the camera just right.
that being said, I loved the character designs! I thought the air-strafe parkour was fun and creative, esp the city level! the monster starting off as just a thing in the distance was very good, and the tension in the last scene was great, good job setting expectations!!
Thank you! I apologise for the controls and the camera, I wasn't happy with them myself, but I'm not much of a programmer so I went with something simple as I had difficulties trying to implement anything more advanced. This would be my first priority if I work back into this.
As an artist, I'm so happy to hear you loved my character designs as they were probably my favourite part. I really wanted to create an atmosphere so I'm glad I was able to achieve that.
Thanks again for playing, I'm glad you liked my game!
I really like the game! Your PSX/N64 art direction was really good. You hit that styling very well, also the audio was really good too, really matched the style. The story was good, I am a sucker for PSX/N64 mascot horror. Your character design was super good really hit that videogame mascot look, looks like it could be real, reminds me somewhat of like Digimon. I will say I feel the camera movement might need work, as well I was not able to get the other ending because when I loaded my save it did not give me the other option again. I also got stuck on a jump in the city (but that might be because I am smooth brain). Overall, a realllly good game and world building, can't wait to see more!
Thanks so much, I'm glad you liked my game! I'm an artist mostly, so aesthetics were one of the most important aspects for me; I'm surprised you liked the audio since I've never composed anything in my life haha. And yes, Digimon was one of my main inspirations for my character designs - I love that you were able to recognise it!
I apologise for the bugs you encountered. I was aware of the weaknesses surrounding the camera controls, but I'm not a strong programmer, so I went for a simpler method and didn't have time to try anything more advanced. If I work back into this I will look into this further. I see what you mean about the endings; that was an intentional choice but looking at your video I can understand why that would be an issue. I will be sure to change this as well.
Thanks again for playing and for providing your lovely video!
You're Welcome! I jsut loved the creativity and characters designs! Also as an artist with little programming knowledge wanting to do the same, it gives me a lot of motivation! I cant wait to see what you do next! <3
Noo don't apologize it's okay! No pressure at all.
I did end up playing with the arrow keys since that works as well and while not the most practical it was still comfortable enough to finish the game so trust me it's much better than being stuck on WASD!
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niice, mr random! i will be playing this one
Is there anyway to get Ollie's model? Id love to make like a vrchat avatar or sumthing, shes just so cutee
Wow, even for an experience as short as this, the message it has makes up for that tenfold. I love the story you've presented, and would honestly love to see more done with this cast of characters in the future!
I also really like how the horror aspect is done here. A lot less "in your face" but instead having a sense of dread and sadness permeating throughout. I have to wonder about what that level 4 was meant to be...
I know talking about the controls is overdone by now, but it still plays very well regardless! With just a little more polish to gameplay, I think it would have bumped up the game-feel enjoyment a couple notches.
Overall, solid game, hope to see more done with this! I've replayed it a couple times, and I'm still not even sure if I've found all the secrets it has yet haha, but I'm definitely excited to see potential future projects!!
Is a fine game but i wish there was a little more in the horror and i don't mean jumpscares but the only fear was the glitching at the start while rest is....very game like the game ment to be corrupted so how about the more you progress the more broke it feels like animations look off, textures not feeling n64 (even unused texture that don't match any of the 5 levels) and more
cant wait for matpat to play it , and tom to scower every inch of the game ,
deffinitly 10/10 game , love the visual aspect <3 n the characters r verry cute altho bit unseddeling a times :D
( Please note this giant ramble does contain full spoilers for the game )
Absolutely lovely little experience! I really like the locations and I absolutely adore the character design, seriously, amazing job on that part! Not gonna be surprised if I end up making fanart just because of how good they are!!
moving on from that though, I also really enjoy that there is no entity or ghost in the game, instead opting for a honestly way fresher tale of the game decaying on its own due to abandonment and following the npcs and player character as their world slowly falls apart. When I first played I was constantly dreading a cheap jumpscare and I was very pleasantly surprised that there was no such thing, plus I think the shadow ollie scares just being them silently standing in parts of the map, watching from afar and then getting the little error message is a much better way of implementing a more unsettling element to the game.
While the general movement is pretty well done ( I appreciate that the city level takes advantage of Ollie's floatiness for part of the platforming ), as others have said. the camera really could use slight improvement as it's super offputting when first playing, though due to having replayed the game multiple times while looking for secrets I have gotten used to it, but due to the very short length of the game ( 20 minute-ish. even less if you know what you are doing ) getting used to it is not gonna happen easily for most people if they only play the game once or twice. ( also this is totally a me problem and I don't actually think it's an actual issue but the camera only having inverted controls is slightly annoying, even if I understand it's for better giving the feel of a old n64 game )
also I ADORE the detail of the textures ( especially Ollie's ) getting more and more corrupted the further into the game you go, genuinely a really cool detail.
The narrative is also pretty nice and I enjoy the message of cherishing the time you spend with those you love in the face of the end and due to not knowing when that time may come to a close.
I got 2 endings and, while I am pretty sure that the game only has the 2 I got, I am inclined to slightly doubt it due to the game encouraging you to try and find all the secrets after getting the harder of the two endings, which implies that there are more things in the game to find. Alas after around 5 total full game plays I did, I didn't find anything to access a secret third ending.
I did find a weird symbol that strikes me as odd due to being completely different from all the other textures on the ground of the sand area ( seen in pic one ) and a cute bunny looking thing next to it under the water in level 3 ( seen in pic two ).
Overall though, a really awesome small experience! Seriously, massive kudos to the dev!!! I really really enjoyed my time with this game! :D
played through this a few times already and still enjoyed your game. would love to see this expanded upon or given better controls (the camera is my mortal enemy in this game).
Love the characters a whole bunch too :)
It's kinda sad that all the devs make retro looking games. But refuse to put in controller suppport. It's beyond stupid. What's even the fucking point.
Here, have a video:
I already want a plushie of this little owl character
I second this :D
I third this :D also I wanna see a ollie the owl chatbot (if the creator is ok with it of course)
Me too! :)
I genuinely loved this game, it really hits you right in the heart, the assets are all perfect and fit together amazingly, and the music puts you in the right vibe. As for the controls, they are a bit to get used to, but honestly I found myself running around the game easily after a bit, only thing I would say needs improvement for it is to be able to be moved up and down. Overall this game is a masterpiece, and I would genuinely love to see more of these amazing characters in this amazing world.
This is a really cute game. Seeing the character design for the MC in a thumbnail on Youtube, my first thought was that it reminded me of Animal Crossing. Not sure if that was intentional.
You've acknowledged that the camera doesn't exactly work amazingly, so I won't harp on about how utterly miserable it is (read: the italics are just me exaggerating), although I think a lot of the problem with it is that it's directly tied to the character as you control them, so when, say, jumping, attempting to adjust the camera during a jump ends with you veering wildly off course.
Now, my real gripe with the game is that I have zero idea how you're supposed to get to the umbrella star in the third level? I got it twice through really precise jumps from the farthest umbrella to the other one with the gem on it, but it doesn't feel like it's the intended way, since I barely made it and the model was only halfway onto it and I had to jump again to actually get on the platform. So maybe keep in mind signposting for intended paths and whatnot.
Other than that, I adore the digimon-esque design of the character in the city level, and I really like that you're given the option to just... straight up refuse to listen to the cat? The game is so short it would be really hard to flesh them out, but I feel like you could have done more with the flower at least. The snowman not talking is cute, though, so I can't really fault you on that one haha.
Sorry that this is long, but I like to ramble and maybe offer advice where I can in cases like this.
man, the game is really good you could likely expand upon the game and make a full release if you really wanted too also quick question do you have like a social media account I really want to look into your art because it is so good!
this is a great game
Holy heck, this hit right in the feels for me. My only issues are the camera and if there was more secrets. I found a secret in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th levels and the ending implied there was more secrets to be found.
Can this go on steam?
i would absolutely love to finish this game but the camera controls being inverted along with it seemingly having a mind of its own really gave me some bad motion sickness ^^;
I have a question we know about Ollie and Smiley but who are the other Characters?
Hey! No real feedback but I saw your game on Youtube and absolutly adore your designs ♡ I just dunno where to send it, so I'll drop this here . Hope you like it ^^
An adorable game that hits right in the feels, with just the right pacing. I played through it twice and enjoyed it the whole time. I love the character designs! The controls felt awkward at first, but after playing a bit i realized they were way more responsive than i thought they would be. Definitly gonna have to play any other games you've made.
The Lonely.
A lovely little game! I enjoyed it thoroughly, though not without minor qualms.
Mainly, my issues lie within the cameras awkward controlling, and the lack of controller support. Do I care enough about those to make me think less of the game? not even remotely.
Over all, this game is a lovely experience, and I would love to see the ideas that it brings to the table expanded upon.
this feels like it needs more recognition, but if you do update it, please add an option to de invert the camera
I hope this game gets more's both heartbreaking and wonderful.
Lovely experience with a lot of charm and heart put into it! Shame it was so short, but I enjoyed my time with the story. Definitely deserves more recognition.
the texture of ollie getting more staticy the farther you get is a nice touch
Ollie taping on the glass is what got me. Makes me want to write a what if story of her getting out and trying to find the player.
I saw a youtube video of the game and I just wanted to say I love the animal character designs and I might try making some fanart of them.
After playing through this game and getting both endings I gotta say this is fantastic the controls feel smooth camera is a little weird but I got used to it story is great and the creepy atmosphere was done really well not sure if there's a 3rd ending or not nor if I'm missing any secrets but either way I had a fun time with the game. Glad I was told about it! also in level 3 there's some sort of collectable in the water not sure if I'm just dumb but I cant seem to find a way to get to it if anyone knows what I'm talkin about and has tips that would be great. hope you end up doin more with this!
I already want a plush if this little Ollie fella
i liked it! it was fun. I guess my biggest criticism is the camera. An option to un invert the camera would be nice! The story was nice and if you decide to eventually continue this then ill be happy to play as this owl again :D. I loved how the pause menu also got corrupted, its a neat lil touch
Thank you! I apologise for the camera, I'm not the best programmer, so I was limited with what I could do with it. I would like to fix this if I work back into it, and I will take your feedback into account.
I'm glad you liked my game - I'm mostly an artist, so I'm happy that the more visual aspects stood out best!
Thanks again for playing!
What console would you say this would have run on if it were designed for a console? N64? Ps1 or Ps2?
I looked at both N64 and PS1 games for inspiration, so there's probably a mixture of both aspects in there. It's not really any console in particular, but since it uses a pixelated shader, you could say it most resembles the PS1.
Thanks for checking out my game!
No problem, thank you for making the game
very well made! the main criticisms I have are how floaty the controls are, and how finnicky the camera is. the house in the ice level in particular was a pain to get up cause you have to get the camera just right.
that being said, I loved the character designs! I thought the air-strafe parkour was fun and creative, esp the city level! the monster starting off as just a thing in the distance was very good, and the tension in the last scene was great, good job setting expectations!!
Thank you! I apologise for the controls and the camera, I wasn't happy with them myself, but I'm not much of a programmer so I went with something simple as I had difficulties trying to implement anything more advanced. This would be my first priority if I work back into this.
As an artist, I'm so happy to hear you loved my character designs as they were probably my favourite part. I really wanted to create an atmosphere so I'm glad I was able to achieve that.
Thanks again for playing, I'm glad you liked my game!
I really like the game! Your PSX/N64 art direction was really good. You hit that styling very well, also the audio was really good too, really matched the style. The story was good, I am a sucker for PSX/N64 mascot horror. Your character design was super good really hit that videogame mascot look, looks like it could be real, reminds me somewhat of like Digimon. I will say I feel the camera movement might need work, as well I was not able to get the other ending because when I loaded my save it did not give me the other option again. I also got stuck on a jump in the city (but that might be because I am smooth brain). Overall, a realllly good game and world building, can't wait to see more!
Thanks so much, I'm glad you liked my game! I'm an artist mostly, so aesthetics were one of the most important aspects for me; I'm surprised you liked the audio since I've never composed anything in my life haha. And yes, Digimon was one of my main inspirations for my character designs - I love that you were able to recognise it!
I apologise for the bugs you encountered. I was aware of the weaknesses surrounding the camera controls, but I'm not a strong programmer, so I went for a simpler method and didn't have time to try anything more advanced. If I work back into this I will look into this further. I see what you mean about the endings; that was an intentional choice but looking at your video I can understand why that would be an issue. I will be sure to change this as well.
Thanks again for playing and for providing your lovely video!
You're Welcome! I jsut loved the creativity and characters designs! Also as an artist with little programming knowledge wanting to do the same, it gives me a lot of motivation! I cant wait to see what you do next! <3
Is there any way to remap the controlls? playing in WASD is pretty much impossible on non qwerty keyboards
Otherwise the aesthetic of this game is absolutely amazing. everything looks great, the characters are cute, the way things progress is really nice!
Not at the moment no, I'm really sorry for the inconvenience. I will look into that if I work back into this.
Thanks so much for playing though, I'm glad you liked it!
Apologies for such a late reply, this is the first time I've checked comments since uploading. I would have replied earlier had I seen it sooner!
Noo don't apologize it's okay! No pressure at all.
I did end up playing with the arrow keys since that works as well and while not the most practical it was still comfortable enough to finish the game so trust me it's much better than being stuck on WASD!